hearts leap on College avenue

Hearts Leap on College Avenue, the original of the Hearts Leap Schools, is located in the world-renowned Julia Morgan Center for the Arts on College Avenue, halfway between Ashby Avenue and the UC Berkeley Campus.  Morgan’s trend-setting designs and use of fine woods combine remarkable warmth, unusual utility, and endurance.

Welcome to Hearts Leap!

Celebrating Dia De Los Muertos on our school playground

At Hearts Leap, we believe that learning is a life-long process that is best fostered through the natural course of play. It is through play that various aspects of the child's development come together and that the child organizes experience and gives meaning to his or her world. Play involves opportunity to explore, create, invent, hypothesize, test and discover. The challenge at Hearts Leap is to build upon the child's innate desire to learn. We provide an environment for growth in which children are encouraged to learn about the world through their senses, feelings and minds. Hearts Leap teachers guide children's development through the environment they create, the information they provide, the questions they ask, the planning they do and the behavior they model.

Hearts Leap is fully committed to diverse representation in its staffing and in its population of families. At Hearts Leap we endorse and utilize an Anti-Bias Curriculum plan, which helps children develop respect for differences as well as similarities. Anti-Bias Curriculum is designed to engage children in an active process of the exploration of self, others and our relationships to one another. Children are engaged in an ongoing, active dialogue and are taught respect for divergent thinking, varying cultures, lifestyles and differences among each other.

Learning about families and the world

Engaged Specialists

Happy, long term, Teachers

Engaging classrooms in a Julia Morgan building

Strong friendships and happy children